Welcome to the LTH - Aeronautical Engineering Handbook
Actually you are located in the publicly accessible area of the „Luftfahrttechnisches Handbuch (LTH)“ website.
The LTH forms a standardised national working basis for industry, research, teaching and authorities. It contains procedures and data for development, verification and type testing and is characterised by a pronounced application orientation that is not found in other technical literature. The contents of the LTH are continuously expanded and updated.
The LTH has been published in digital form since December 2001. The latest edition of the LTH can be obtained from the LTH coordination centre. Please follow the corresponding instructions on this website or contact the LTH Coordination Centre.
As an LTH member, you can log in via the abstracted person icon (top right of the website).
Forum Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
The introduction of a cross-sectional working group forum on the topic of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) is currently being reviewed. This could involve working on relevant issues and networking interested participants from industry with a focus on this use case. If you are interested, please contact the LTH Coordination Office (LTH-KoSt).
If you are interested in working on the Luftfahrttechnisches Handbuch (LTH), you will be forwarded to the LTH Coordination Office (LTH-KoSt) via the ‘Become a member’ button, where you will be asked about your interest in the respective working groups using a form.
The LTH Coordination Office will then forward your enquiry to the right contact person in the working groups you have selected.
Self-image of the working groups
Tasks / Responsibility
The working groups are responsible for the thematic, conceptual and current design of the individual volumes - on the basis of the principles agreed for the LTH. A working group is responsible for the content of the respective subject area. It is designated as the editor of the respective LTH volume and also determines the group of recipients.
The respective working group is headed by a chairperson. If possible supported by at least one deputy. The chairperson and deputy chairperson are elected at a working group meeting by the members present for a term of office of 3 years, which can be extended at any time. It is up to the respective working groups themselves to nominate one or two deputies. The chairpersons and deputies elected by the working groups are named to the LTH coordination centre as contact persons for the respective working groups.
The working groups convene the specialist meetings once to three times a year at one of the member organisations and ensure that the action points are fulfilled and the minutes of the meetings are prepared promptly. These can be viewed by all members on the LTH website. There are currently 8 working groups.
Mode of operation
The working groups review the new contributions in technical discussions and decide on their inclusion in the respective volume. In the case of cross-thematic areas of responsibility, they ensure technical coordination with other working groups. The content of the respective volume is always kept up to date through additions and revisions, and the content of the articles is continuously checked to ensure that it is up to date.
In individual technically difficult or specialised cases, a technical committee, with the involvement of specialists, supports the respective working group on individual topics or technical contributions.
The working groups decide on the purchase of the handbook volumes or the LTH DVD for new external interested parties. The LTH cannot be obtained from bookshops.
The working groups ensure a long-term balanced consideration in the form of cooperation in the preparation of technical contributions, calculation programmes, lectures, technical presentations and other tasks / activities.
(Source: According to "Terms of References", status 2008, modified)