The LTH Coordination Committee (Koordinierungsausschuss - KoA)
Tasks / Responsibility
As an umbrella body, the Coordination Committee (KoA) deals with overarching issues and problems of the LTH in terms of technical coordination, overall organisation and ensuring a uniform concept. It makes important decisions regarding the tasks of the working groups.
Composition / organisation of the KoA
The KoA is made up of the chairpersons of the eight current working groups, permanent representatives of the aviation industry and research, the German authorities involved in certification and the LTH coordination centre.
The chairman is nominated from this group and elected for 3 years. He convenes and chairs an annual meeting. The LTH Coordination Office prepares these meetings and is responsible for their organisation.
The determinations and decisions of the KoA are made by majority vote.
LTH Coordination Office (KoSt)
The LTH Coordination Office (at IABG) acts as the office of the Coordination Committee, contributing to technical coordination, overall organisation and ensuring a uniform concept. It provides editorial support for the handbook and ensures that it is published and reproduced correctly.
Chair of LTH-Coordination Office:
Dr. rer nat. Patrick Reidelstürz - IABG, Ottobrunn
Markus Böhm - IABG, Ottobrunn